No keyword They say they used…

Later bought a SK hynix Gold S31 500GB leaked the system and kept it in reserve if a Chinese person died. It is more likely that the chipboard will tear out than the confirmation will break. I installed it in my working computer as a system one. Still in working order and connected

No keyword

They say they used to do things, my net 620 worked 389 days (count in hours), when I changed the system, I also replaced it with NVMe Look at the load on dowels and the load on confirmations, there are tests on YouTube. Many years ago, in August 2015, I bought a Netac NT620 256GB, using a coupon, it came out at $ 58.20
Netac NT620 served continuously without failure until the beginning of September 2021 (just updated the system, already NVMe Samsung 970 evo)

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